
                 Nick Zarowny:Depths of Gong Fu

                                           Nick參加2007年長洪盃比賽    ↑

It has been an interesting personal case study, to observe and then realize the physical and ideological progresses and transformations in studying Chung Hong Wu Shu.  These progresses have been made through practicing the Gong Fu forms and Chi Gong exercises, which are accredited for the bonding of the mind with the body.  Our minds seem to have the capability to manifest amazing things, almost anything, but it is our bodies that we must train in order to realize our abilities and to make the connection between mind and body.
            In the preliminary stages, Chung Hong only teaches the basic movements and theories, because the students have not yet achieved the strengthening and range of motion needed for the later, more advanced teachings in Chi Gong, and how it can be applied to the forms.  The first classes that I went to for Chi Gong, theories went completely over my head, due in part to my poor Chinese, but also because I was beginning to work on a whole new set of internal muscle groups.   It has not been until recently that I am becoming physically aware of the benefits of practicing Chi Gong for three years.  The Chi Gong exercises allow the Dan Tien (lower diaphragm) to gradually increase in capacity and strength, allowing the practitioner to, as with any muscle that is exercised properly, become much stronger.  Strengthening the Dan Tien, and increasing the volume of Chi, like a balloon for example, which can be gradually expanded, increases power, and significantly affects our balance and center of gravity.  Internal Chi seems to work like a sort of natural air hydraulic system, providing all the power, while the muscles are at rest.  In all sports, and in every facet of life, proper breathing should go hand in hand with proper form, and thus making the task at hand easier. 

                                 Nick   接受媒體採訪表演   ↑

             At first it was difficult to make the correlation between Chi Gong and Gong Fu.  With the practice of the of Gong Fu forms, the body becomes used to the movements, enabling the muscles to relax, and muscle memory to take over, which in turn allows the flow of Chi to be extended to all regions of the body.  With Chi Gong the initial exercises seemed awkward, and I wasn’t feeling any of the effects of any of the Chi building exercises, but with practice, the exercises allow the internal abdominal muscles to strengthen, and our breathing and movements to become more alert and precise.   This in turn allows and provides the space and time for the mind and body to connect.
            Attending Sifu Chen’s classes are always an enlightening experience.  It allows me to witness how the higher levels of Gong Fu and Chi Gong are applied, always leaving me astounded, baffled, and further increasing my interests in these timeless art forms.
            These arts should be taught to children in schools all around the world, not for military or monetary benefit, but for the health aspects that can be earned.  Some of  the benefits of Chi Gong are, increasing oxygen levels in the blood, increased flexibility, meditation, stress release and all the seemingly endless positive attributes related to the aforementioned.  Chi Gong is a preventative medicine that allows the practitioner to benefit from a natural enhancement of the senses, better coordination, and a better understanding of our bodies and the world of energy surrounding us.

                  註:李軻 [Nick],加拿大人,目前在台灣從事外語教學工作
                                  下,自稱是''台灣人'', 非常喜歡中國武術,是個武

註:Nick 現在已經復原,回到練習狀態,而且打在腳踝的鋼釘
                                   也已經於 2008 年底再度開刀取出,他說一切 OK 。
                                                      ---------- 2009 / 11 / 19  補註


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