Nick 師兄分享學習長洪武術的心得
Nick 師兄分享學習長洪武術的心得 ↑
2013年10月8日 [週二 ] 晚上19:00 - 21:20 ,
長洪武術總教練 陳清河 老師蒞臨中壢訓練所演講,
在演講結束後,加拿大籍的 Nick 師兄被邀請上台,
廖兆旻 / 廖秋陽 [ Jimmy ] 主持當天武術演講總結 ↑
Nick 被 陳總教練 請上台作擒拿示範 ↑
On 8th Oct 2013,
Master Chen of Chang Hong Wu Shu made a speech in Chung Li,
after the speech brother Nick from Canada ---
shared his more than 12 years experience of ---
learning Chang Hong Wu Shu (Kung Fu) from Master Chen.
He expressed how his body changed after learning Kung Fu ---
and how he manage the way to control the strength ---
from inside of body instead of muscle .
------- (though he is strong enough with the power of muscle) .
Nick 師兄分享學習長洪武術的心得 全部內容 ↑
廖兆旻 / 廖秋陽 [ Jimmy ] 主持當天武術演講開場白 ↑
陳總教練 在演講當中作擒拿示範 ↑