Nick 師兄分享學習長洪武術的心得 ↑ 2013年10月8日 [週二 ] 晚上19:00 - 21:20 , 長洪武術總教練 陳清河 老師蒞臨中壢訓練所演講, 在演講結束後,加拿大籍的 Nick 師兄被邀請上台, 分享這十多年來跟著陳老師學習長洪武學的心得.
廖兆旻 / 廖秋陽 [ Jimmy ] 主持當天武術演講總結 ↑ Nick 被 陳總教練 請上台作擒拿示範 ↑
On 8th Oct 2013, Master Chen of Chang Hong Wu Shu made a speech in Chung Li, after the speech brother Nick from Canada --- shared his more than 12 years experience of --- learning Chang Hong Wu Shu (Kung Fu) from Master Chen. He expressed how his body changed after learning Kung Fu --- and how he manage the way to control the strength --- from inside of body instead of muscle . ------- (though he is strong enough with the power of muscle) .
Nick 師兄分享學習長洪武術的心得 全部內容 ↑ 廖兆旻 / 廖秋陽 [ Jimmy ] 主持當天武術演講開場白 ↑
Kenneth had ever been practicing Chinese Kungfu with Jimmy at Taiwan . [ Kenneth 曾在台灣跟著長洪武術中壢所 廖兆旻/廖秋陽 教練學武術練氣功. ] Kungfu is like medicine for me and so is qigong. It has helped me calm down my mind and --- feel more grounded. I read in the book that --- Jimmy gave me that the purpose of the stances is --- to sink your chi and to find your dantien. I feel like I am more rooted -- to the ground and more mentally --- and emotionally balanced than before. And I feel much more aware -- of my breathing and my surroundings from qigong. Now, after practicing for almost 2 years, I feel like something is missing in my day --- if I don't at least practice mabu or the horse stance --- as well as the other stances.
Kenneth had ever been practicing Chinese Kungfu with Jimmy at Taiwan . [ Kenneth 曾在台灣跟著長洪武術中壢所 廖兆旻/廖秋陽 教練學武術練氣功. ]
Also, I alwaystry to do the first basic fist, Lien Bu Chuan, at least once or twice a day , if I don't have enough time to do a full practice. I feel like my body's energy is flowing much better--- after that each day and especially after qigong. Since being back to the US, I have told my friends and family --- the vast benefits of kungfu and qigong, but I don't think anyone can really understand until -- they do it on a regular basis themselves. It's much more than just exercising and self-defense.
Kenneth had ever been practicing Chinese Kungfu with Jimmy at Taiwan . [ Kenneth 曾在台灣跟著長洪武術中壢所 廖兆旻/廖秋陽 教練學武術練氣功. ]
After qigong,I feel my body's energy is flowing much better . [ Kenneth 曾在台灣跟著長洪武術中壢所 廖兆旻/廖秋陽 教練學武術練氣功. ] Also, beforeI began kungfu and qigong, I had bad insomnia and --- could barely sleep each night with medication. Now I am off of all sleep medication and --- sleep very well naturally each night. I thought I would never be able to best my insomnia --- and be able to live a normal life once again, but Chinese Kungfu and qigong proved me wrong. Because of this, I will never stop practicing.
I will never stop practicing Chinese Kungfu and qigong . [ Kenneth 曾在台灣跟著長洪武術中壢所 廖兆旻/廖秋陽 教練學武術練氣功. ]